I was preaching and singing and once again this man has left me. and its been 8 months and papers are filed and i still can't answer the question so many people ask " with all the faith you have you could not make it work" now for those who know me know I gave well beyond the normal when it comes to making it work and with out dragging his name through the dirt because there is no glory in that, all I can say is it really got to the spot where i had to hear God's voice, and short he let me know that what ever happened he had my back.
In 2Samuel 4;4 it speaks about Jonathan's son Mephibosheth who when heard of the death of his grand father and father began to flee from jezsreel but in their haste his nurse grab him up but dropped him and he became crippled. he was 5years old at thee time . this text left me puzzled as to how he feel, if it was my grand daughter and i was holding her to run on my hip she would had landed on her feet she would have leaped out my arms but if held her close to my chest then in falling i would have landed on her and then we would have had a serious injury to my grand baby. at five he probably could have out ran the nurse at five the strength in his legs would have been strong enough to run on his on.
often times when we are defeated by the drop it is because we were held to close to the heart of someone else or something else and if we would have taking a few steps back to look at the full picture in stead of the close up view we had our eyes glued to we would have seen the danger or the warrens and would not have been tripped up in the first place. but because we were wrapped so tight and held so close we ended up up crippled by the hands of the very one that should have been helping us.
later on in scripture it says David remembers his promise to Jonathan and began to enquire if there is any one left from the house of Johnathan now because David's men did not want any one form souls family to take the throne every one of the descendants of Saul was killed but because this man was crippled and living in lodibar he was not considered a threat .
must people look at you and can only see you as being dropped, fired , let go passed by , overlooked, and feels you are not a threat . he is now a man and when David sends his men to get him and invites him to sit at the table mephibosheth calls himself a dog. he has lost all awareness to who he was and from where he came .
often time we only remember our life after the fall. we only recall the bad things that where spoken over us and forget that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the likeness of god himself and just because we were found in the low place , it does not mean that Gd has forgotten about us.
the power of the drop was his crippled state kept he from being killed and because he was still alive he was given a place at the kings table for as long as the king reighed and a new home , I don't know
about yo but i thank god for the drop. although the pain was great and the healing process seemed slow in the end I can look back and say God had my back and I am now feasting at the kings table and the feat of the lord is going on and I say like the psalmist the lord is my Shepard I shall not want ,he makes me to Lay down in green pastures he leads me besides the still waters, he restores my soul i say he prepares a table before me in the very presence of my enemy . and even though i walk through the valley and the shadow of death , the death of friendships , relationships , jobs , finances i will fear not , for his is with he anointed my head with oil my cup runs over SURELY GOOD AND MERCY FOLLOWS ME AND SHALL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OD THE LORD FOREVER..
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