Monday, November 22, 2010


The earth spins so fast that we can't feel it God and his excellent wisdom has made so that what we can't feel is not only keeping us stationed in our place in the universe it also allows us to stay planted on this earth, it keeps the seasons coming at the right time and it keeps the moon and sun in it's right place .
with out the spin we would be so off , better yet we would not be. we could not live with out the spin.

In the spirit there is a spin that unlike the earths spin we can feel the effects of it every now and then we call it heart ache, when our boyfriend , husbands , girlfriends, wives or even that best friend we did not want to let goof,  up and suddenly leaves us hanging, and on top of that no one comes in to fill that void .
then we add to the spin by going out and finding something better often time find the same thing in a different face. we call the spinning poverty when we lose our jobs or can't find a job.we call the spinning despair when we feel life will get no better then this . and our emotions and reflections are off. and when we pray we spend more time tell god about something he already knows, as if he has no clue of our suffering.
but the spin is not as bad as it seems it has it's purpose .
I think of it like this , As a child  I use to watch a show called wonder woman and like superman she was this regular and pretty woman in the service Diana prince but when there was trouble she became wonder woman .As she transformed into wonder women she would spin and when she was done spinning she would BE.
the first thing i would notice is that before she started to spin she would remove her glasses.  while in  the spin her old plan uniform would come off but yet she was never exposed or naked because while things were coming off thins were coming on her her rope, bangle that caused the bullets to bounce off her .
this is what the spin dose for us yes we lose somethings but while things are dropping off, God is corving us with stuff that seems like accessories to those who are looking but the reality is it stuff that ends up being a protection for us . so that man walked away  God could have been saving you form a murderer or a rapist. so what you lost that job and the other job but now you walk away more than one skill. many times God is setting us up for supernatural blessing and we are still trying to remain Diana Prince , or Clark, when god is Make us wonder woman or superman.
The earth will keep spinning so just stretch out your arms and BE


  1. Awesome analogy (signed childhood friend).

  2. Awesome!!!! (another childhood friend).

  3. Extremely powerful!!! I love it Dina!
